The Aga Khan Jubilée and the fishermen

A Time Patrol movie Karachi, Pakistan, 1954. Just to put ourselves in the mood, let’s start with my mother’s sarees and a necklace she bought at the Boree Bazaar. We’ll drive the -then almost- empty streets of Karachi, carefully avoiding the bicycles and the horse-drawn carriages. Where are we going? To the Aga Khan’s Jubilée.…

Colours of Independence

A Time Patrol Movie: Pakistan in the ’50’s Hop on Equinoxio’s Time-Space shuttle to Pakistan in the early 50’s. See the visit of India’s Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru to Pakistan. His first visit was in 1953. After Independence in 1947 and the Partition of Hindu India and Moslem Pakistan, 15 million people were displaced, and…

Time Patrol, Karachi, Pakistan, 1949

A Time Patrol movie “Salaam, Memsahib Renée, Salaam. Is that your little dog? What’s its name?” “Salaam Shah. Her name is Yashmak.” “A pretty name Memsahib. Come! Come! Let’s go to the Boree Bazaar. Jaldi, jaldi.” “Maybe we take the Bara Sahib Cyril’s car? A new French car. Very different from the English cars. Mohamed…

“On the road again.” Yosemite ’66

A “Time Patrol” movie Previously on Time Patrol. December 1966, our family had been invited by a friend to spend Christmas in California. Great. When we arrived she suggested we go to San Diego. Okay. After a long 1,000 miles drive to San Diego, we’d hardly arrived and seen one lone warship in the SD…

San Diego ’66

A “Time Patrol” Movie After driving 500 miles and change from San Francisco in December 1966, we finally made it to San Diego. I‘m sure San Diego is a lovely city, but my personal vision is just this: a lone warship in the Bay. “That’s what we drove days for?” Freezin’ cold “on the dock…