Random Travels, cont’d

“Singin’ in the Sun”, Québec ville.

My Lord Buddha, Angkor Thom, Cambodia. Although the many arms might allude to a Hindu God. Rama, maybe?

“Singin’ in the rain”, Québec ville. (Again)

The architecture in Québec ville came as a shock to me: it looked like a Breton city. All grey stone houses, slate roofs… Then I read a bit. Of course, the first settlers brought craftsmen with them from Brittany. Jacques Cartier was born in Saint-Malo. (My father’s place of birth). They built the houses as they were used to. A “Breton” city… Of sorts.

Grand-Place, Brussels. Quite a unique spot. I like Brussels.

Chac statue, and an altar of human sacrifice, Chichén Itzá, Mexico. One of the largest Maya cities from 600 to 1200AD.

New York, home of the Bagel.

Notre-Dame before the fire. I haven’t seen recent photos of the reconstruction, but the cathedral is still due to re-open end of year. The apostle statues (climbing up the roof on all four sides) had been taken away before the fire, and are safe. I don’t know when they will put them back. I understand work will go on for years. Scaffolding should remain for a while.

The two-Jaguar sacrificial altar. Uxmal, Mexico. The Maya were as blood-thirsty as the Aztecs. (If I may be so bold.) Human sacrifices were very frequent.

I shouldn’t have left my car outside so long. (Mexico.)

This little beaut’ is a Renault Dauphine. It could use a bit of work. They were very popular little cars back in the days.

Big Ben, London.

A light meal before the road. Paris. Wine was a decent Brouilly.

Mind the cat. Montréal, Plateau. (That’s for you, Dale)

Very nice little houses. Can’t think about winter…

Saimiri monkey, Amazon forest.

Toltec warriors, Tula, Mexico. They are often referred to as “The Atlants”, a fantasy vestige of Atlantis. City was at its peak around 900AD.

John Lennon lived here. (See the blue plaque?) Montagu Sq. London. Not sure how long. Might have been a mere few months. As I walked by, I wondered what song(s) he might have written there. After some quick research, it appears the flat was rented by Ringo Starr and used by members of the group at various times. According to “Kikipedia”, Paul McCartney worked on “Eleanor Rigby” there. Not too bad.

“Don’t worry Mom, I’ll mind the store while you’re away.” Chiapas, Mexico.

Thank you for travelling on Equinoxio’s Time-Space shuttle. Always a pleasure to have you on board.

61 thoughts on “Random Travels, cont’d

  1. A few of these I really loved. The umbrellas can’t be beat! But also the Notre-Dame photo is outstanding. I have never been there, but will one day. So glad the statues are safe. I adore that little Renault ❤ Love the Toltec Warriors and the cat house.

    • The umbrellas are a feature of a small winding street in lower Québec city. I’d first “seen” them when our eldest daughter, son-in-law and grandson went to Québec and sent us the picture… Very colourful.
      Hope you go to Notre-Dame soon.

  2. That is an interesting trip around the world, Brian. I especially like the pictures made in Mexico. The Toltec warriors! Fierecesome indeed. Tot ziens!

  3. Encore un beau voyage : De belles couleurs, des vieilles pierres (une vieille voiture aussi 😀 ) et du bon vin… Que demander de plus ?
    Merci Brieuc !

  4. Les parapluies de Québec. 🙂 (pas Cherbourg)

    A bit too eclectic fo rme this time, or maybe I’m too ADHD. Nevermind. Nice stroll through the world – time- and space wise. Thank you so much. 😉

    • I thought you might like those…
      The apostles were pure luck. They’d been scheduled for removal and restoration months before. And taken off a week or two maybe before the fire? Otherwise, they would have burnt, melt…

  5. A fine world tour. Loved the caption on the last one. Your Breton architects story reminded me of a terrace of houses in Sydney built by early Irish settlers complete with fireplaces apparently on the wrong sides

    • Thank you Derrick. That caption? It’s quite an old photo, and the caption just occurred to me as I was posting the picture. That was taken in Chiapas, San Cristobal de las casas. I just loved that baby lost in piles of blankets. He must be 20 by now. Maybe a father.
      Love the story about the Sydney fireplaces. They were probably built for peat. 😉

  6. I love how call it Québec ville instead of Québec City… or Ville de Québec 🙂 I recognized Chac from the top of Chichén Itzá.

    The Plateau is such a beautiful area of Montréal – this house doesn’t have the long stairs that are a real headache in winter!

    Merci pour le tour, Brieuc!

    • Ah ben c’est Québec Ville hein? 😉
      I loved the Plateau. That was one of several similar little houses in that area. Some very neat some a bit in disrepair… There must be a blocked rent issue or zoning issue…
      I’ve seen a few with long stairs, must be a bitch in winter…
      Avec plaisir ma grande.

  7. A fun whirl around the world, Brian.

    Lotsa great shots, and I can’t pick a fave. Dale (Thunder) is a fave person.

    Thank you for the momentary escape!

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