Hell’s Gate

An “African childhood” movie

Hell’s Gate is a narrow gorge in Kenya, north of Nairobi, a few miles away south of Lake Naïvasha. Millions of years ago, the gorge was the overflow of a then much larger lake. The excess water poured into the gorge, at breakneck speeds.

The opening of the gorge. Today’s Naïvasha lake is a bare few miles away to the north. Imagine the lake reaching here during the rainy season and pouring down the gorge. Hell’s Gate is now a National Park. Not in 1968 or ’69 when we lived in Kenya. No wardens. No tickets. No other “tourists” than us.

Very odd geological structures can be found at Hell’s Gate. My recent research tells me that some of the settings of The Lion King animated picture were inspired by the site. Looking back I’m not surprised. Maybe I should have included “Hakuna Matata” in the sound track. Too late. It’s done.

Another giant monolith. Don’t let the picture fool you. This thing is huge.

Lava and ash from a recent volcanic eruption. Coupla centuries. Yesterday.

“Marmite du Diable”. Devil’s kettle. A pothole formed over thousands, millions (?) of years by hard rocks turning inside a softer rock in a whirlpool formed by the rushing water… That was a biiig kettle.

Right to left: my father Cyril, Mrs D’Alberto, the wife of the French Commercial Attaché (great friends of my parents), on the left, I have no idea who the Lady was. French Embassy I think. I’m glad I finished “post-producing” these movies, in a few years, I won’t remember anybody’s name.

Those one-day safaris were a common affair for us during the dry season. Pick up a destination, and hit the road.

Volcanic hill. I’m not quite sure why the grown-ups, whenever they saw a hill, all jumped in a frenzy: “Let’s climb the hill!”. Who understands grown-ups anyway?

A “2001 Space Odyssey” landscape. Never seen anything like that afterwards… Part of a Tomb Raider movie was shot here. Good location. It was strange to recognise the place in the movie.

It was an all-family affair. My mother, Denise and Danik Savary. A “normal life” for us kids.

Yours truly in the African heat on the lava fields.

“Encore” climbing a hill. Grownups, I tell you.

The final, extremely narrow gorge going down. (Probably snakes all around). Can you imagine the excess water of a huge lake pouring down this narrow stretch?

Hop on Equinoxio’s Time-Space shuttle to the Gates of Hell. Flight attendants Mick, Keith et al, will take care of your entertainment.

54 thoughts on “Hell’s Gate

  1. Avec une DS !
    Et pourquoi est-ce qu’il y aurait des collines, des rochers, des montagnes, si ce n’est pour monter dessus ? C’est bien plus beau en haut … toujours dit le dogme.
    Merci, Brieuc, et un bel après-midi à toi.

  2. That is some barren landscape, Brian! The name Hells-gate is well chosen. How empty is all is, and what a wonderful thing to be able to hop into a car and go and visit. Thanks for the time-travel and tot ziens.

  3. It is an extraordinary place. We visited in the latter ’90s. Nothing much had changed apart from the entrance fee. We saw no-one else; only some Maasai donkeys having a rest on the track. Love seeing your family outings.

    • I imagined you would have gone there. I understand it’s still pretty much the same. A magical place of its own.
      More Mzungu chronicles coming. (And other places.)
      Have a great wee-end Memsahib.
      Kwaheri sassa.

  4. Wow, you’re a machine…pumping out all of these posts! I’m up to 64 posts in draft and headed to San Marino tomorrow so it will be 65 in draft. 😦
    Looks so rugged and isolated. You reminded me of “Hell’s Gate” in New Zealand but that one is very active.
    Great choice of song for your time travel video.
    White trousers on a trek? 😉

    • Well, I don’t have 64 drafts… Only a small dozen. Thing is, I write a text in half a day. (After mulling over it in my head for weeks, so it’s relatively easy.) Then editing? A few days depending. That’s for texts.
      The movies? Took me 3-4 years to do all the work. Now, All I have to do is take a dozen screenshots, PS them, the post is practically done…
      Love that you like the song. Most “my” African movies have traditional African songs, mixed with music of the time. For that one? Jagger/Richards were a natural choice.
      Just looked up your neighbours’ Hells Gate. Impressive…
      And white trousers on a safari? I am ever so “Colonial” my dear. All that was missing was a pith helmet I guess.

  5. Suis entièrement d’accord avec Gilles : See hill, must climb 😉
    Superbe vidéo, Brieuc. Tellement impressionnant que tu aies vécu cette expérience (parmis tant d’autres).

    • Je suis d’accord avec tous les deux. J’ai quand même monté quelques belles montagnes.
      C’était juste une réflexion en revoyant qqs films finis les uns aprés les autres: beaucoup de collines… 😉

      • Cela ne me surprends pas 😉
        Oui. Bonne réflexion (il y a certainement des familles moins aventureux qui ne seraient pas intéressés à monter même une colline!!

  6. Crazy interesting. Tomb Raider probably spent more $$ on making the film than Hell’s Gate National Park has in its yearly budget. Thank you for this post, Brian!

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