A Mexico stroll. Again.


I was wondering this morning, sipping a mochaccino at a nearby café in Tlalpan’s main plaza, what to put together for today’s post. And as I checked the pictures of the last few days, there it was. A stroll in the streets of Mexico city. The above: last Saturday, in Tlalpan, Mexico city. “No tire basura” means Do NOT dump garbage… 😦 At least the December sun, tough cold-ish, did provide a decent light.


“Saint” Karl Marx, just around the corner from the Virgin Mary above.


Fountain, Calzada de Tlalpan.


In a country where children are Kings and Queens, the Little Mermaid is very popular.


“Hasta…” “Until” they come back. In reference to the 43 students of Ayotzinapa, abducted by the police two years ago and handed over to the local narcs. Their bodies were never recovered. (Street wall, Tlalpan, Saturday)


This IS a door. Of a house built in July 1703. See detail below. The picture took a bit of editing, erasing cables, electricity meters, and so forth.


“Julio del … año 1703″. July of the year 1703. Tlalpan. Mexico city.


Tintorería. Laundry and dry-cleaning. Juarez neighbourhood, Mexico city, Sunday. The bird to the right is just visiting.


A hallway, in “la colonia Juárez”, Mexico city. The Aztec sun calendar is on top. The rows of skulls at the bottom represent a “tzompantli”, an altar where the heads of the sacrificed were impaled. I don’t know who the white rabbit is. Or is it a dog?


Amour caffé. Juárez district. Mexico city. Cute.


This is not a window. Juárez district, Sunday. Had to cheat with the light a bit. 🙂


Tacos, tacos!


Helena Bonham Carter wishes you a lovely week in your respective Time-Space slots. (Some of you are already on Tuesday. To-morrow. Tomorrow is now. Ain’t that weird?)

The usual (c). Haven’t put that one in a while. 🙂

43 thoughts on “A Mexico stroll. Again.

  1. I love those graffitis, so colourful ! The Amour Cafe is my favorite though, maybe because I am working on opening mine soon … Hope you re feeling perfectly fine now, des bises des Philippines 🙂

    • Salut ma grande! So lovely to hear from you. I hope the Attilas are all right. (You are going to open a caffé? Wow. That would be nice) (Do you have any idea as to your new posting?)

      • All fine thanks 🙂 Aucune idee encore, mais j ai change ma strategie .. je me suis inscrite a des cours de “social entrepreneurship” et je termine une formation sur “Communicating Corporate Social responsibility”. Il etait plus que temps de redevenir vraiment active intellectuellement 😉 Cafe serait en Europe, qui sait peut etre en France ou en Suisse?Notre contrat se termine en juin, trop tot pour chercher du boulot (qui cherche a recruter 6 mois a l’avance?) mais jamais trop tot pour se former et se preparer au mieux 🙂
        Je vais preparer un petit post sur ce cafe … Et te ferais un petit signe pour avis!

      • Ma Doué! Que de changements en perspective. Donc l’humanitaire serait fini? Si le café est ene Europe, pense que les normes sanitaires sont très ch… Et peut-être qu’un café “Philippin” pourrait être différent. Ravi de donner mon avis quand tu voudras. Bz

      • Un cafe Filipin, le probleme c est qu il faut etre associe avec 5 filipinos pour monter un business, et que vu le niveau de corruption, sans parler la langue que je ne comprends toujours pas et last but not least le contrat de Ma Moitie qui se termine en juin ici .. Et je me dis que je lancerai ce projet quand on sera dans un pays pour quelques annees, parait que ca prend un peu de temps 😉
        Je t’en reparle ! X

      • Je pensais “café Philippin” en Europe. L’attrait de l’exotisme. Je vois que les associés là-bas c’est encore pire qu’ici. Ici, il faut toujours 1 associé mexicain. Mais un ça suffit! Quant à la corruption n’en parlons pas. Mais en Europe, ça peut être un projet intéressant. L’attrait de l’exotisme. Bon week-end. Bz

  2. Que bueno. I have a friend in D.F. who is currently in a play about the 43 students. Tonia Olhovich, daughter of the Mexican director Sergio Olhovich with whom I made a movie some years back, and who is a very fine actress and activist. A powerful woman. Maybe it’s still playing.

  3. Grand. I sometimes think we forget to take notice of the things we see everyday or often. Then we see pictures such as these and see the beauty of everyday things again. Thanks. Hugs

    • Not so rapidly. But it does. There is a lot of construction going on. Now walking can be a nightmare (too many cars rushing at you form everywhere) in many places, or fabulous in certain areas. La condesa, the Historical Centre, Coyoacán, and Tlalpan where we are now. I must say I am very happy with the move, for a variety of reasons, but being able to walk around everywhere is a blessing.

    • You don’t say? The one in Tlalpan or the Amour café in la Condesa? 🙂
      (Sometimes I feel we all live in parallel universes stepping in the same places in different times) 😉

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